- "There are only two people you need to make proud in your life… 80 year old you and 8 year old you." - Unknown
- "The first step is not the most important, rather the next step is." - Brandon Sanderson
- "You must fill your cup first, what overflows may be use to fill another's'." - Unknown (Is your cup too big?)
- "A man is not defined by his flaws, but by how well he overcomes them." - Brandon Sanderson
- "When you have children living in your home, DO NOT allow strangers, "friends", or extended family to also live in your home." - Ben Ferguson
- "A man needs many different ideas to remain sharp." - Unknown
- "They imagine how grand it use to be, their memory enhanced by stories. It is human nature that other places and other times were better than the here and now". - Unknown
- "I am N trying to have a debate, where the goal is to win an argument. I'm trying to have a dialogue, where the goal is conversation and understanding." - Ben Ferguson
- "As a dog is not considered a good dog for a good barker. A man is not considered to be a good man for being a good talker." - Jordan Peterson
- "Do we not have a right to be a danger to dangerous policies?" - Unknown
- "A man's emotions are what define him, and control is the hallmark of true strength. To lack feeling, is to be dead, but to act on every feeling is to be a child." - Brandon Sanderson
- To find the truth. . .
What wouldn't happen if you do___, What would happen if you do ___, What wouldn't happen if you don't do ___, What would happen if you don't do ___.
- "Science does not care about consensus, science cares about truth." - Bret Weinstein
- "Have you simply heard something so many times that now you believe it to be true?" - Unknown
-"If you don't heal from what hurt you, you'll bleed on those that didn't cut you". - Jordan Peterson
- "Urgency and focus is needed for real change in the mind." - Unknown
- "Mood follows action" - Unknown
- "No matter how far I drive, I'm only a few feet from the ditch." - Unknown
- "Confirming one's bias increases dopamine, Learning hard truths counter to your biases will not feel good, until your goals shift to learn the truth." - Unknown
- "What you tolerate from others, teaches them what they can get away with." - Jordan Peterson
- "Never use your children as a pity bargaining chip." - Ben Ferguson
- "Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, but that does NOT mean that any two differing options have the same value… more so when one is based in logic and the other on emotion." - Steven Crowder
- "To draw expertly, you must focus on every aspect of the design, each component, every detail." - Unknown
- "The purpose of life isn't to live, rather to live fully." - Unknown
- "Mind over Matter. . . Those who matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter" - Unknown
- "There is no shortage of people who are barely clinging to the edges of the world and sanity. . . And every so often . . . One slips." - Jordan Peterson
- "If you are to start suppressing your thoughts and believes for the sake of acceptance, when will it end?" - Unknown
- "Our rights do not end, where their fear begins" - Unknown
- "Excuses are tools used by the incompetent to build monuments of absolutely nothing" - Steven Crowder
- "When you do not fed love on a silver spoon, they will learn to lick if off of knives." - Jordan Peterson
- "The greatest investment you can make are ones that increase your freedom" - Unknown
- "To start and run a business is like having a child. You must care for and feed your child to keep it alive." Elon Musk
- "There is a difference between a Peaceful man and Weak Man… A peaceful mane is capable of great destruction and chooses to make compromises, a weak man is defenseless and is easily agreeable… NEVER confuse the two." - Jordan Peterson
- "The currency of stuff is money, where each of us may obtain about the same amount of money though choose to spend it on different stuff. The same can be said about knowledge, we each get about the same amount of time (regardless of intellect), though each of us chooses to spend that time differently." - Ben Ferguson
Pierce forward, straight and sharp
The where is the how… The what is the why…
Emotion is propulsion, the speed at which actions are accomplished.